Android Development


15th Feb


4 Months


NPR. 29,999 22,499

Why Android?

In the recent years, the use of smartphone has unfathomable growth. There is increased penetration of smartphone users in the market where people are heavily relying for different purposes as entertainment, medical, shopping and many more. Among the majority used mobile apps, Android apps are the ones. Android has occupied an important market share in the app market. Many of the users and businesses are using Android apps for a variety of purposes. As a business, it is now essential to have an app. The android app remains to be the top option among the businesses. It is due to the extensive usage of Android apps by the potential customers of the business. This creates vast opportunities for any Android Developers.

Our training package accelerate your move toward a career in mobile app development.

Whether you’re learning mobile app development for the first time or are looking to advance your career, this training/certification can help you showcase your skills to peers and potential employers.

We have structured course on five modules where we will build up our strength from basics. Each modules cover different entity in the development.

Chapter 1: Basics

First steps programming in Kotlin, add images and text to your Android apps, and learn how to use classes, objects, and conditionals to create an interactive app for your users.

Chapter 2 : Layout

Build different apps, and improve the user interface of your app by learning about layouts, Material Design guidelines, and best practices for UI development.

Chapter 3: Navigation

Enhance your users’ ability to navigate across, into and back out from the various screens within your app for a consistent and predictable user experience. Use data binding with LiveData to update your UI automatically when the underlying data changes.

Chapter 4: Working with remote server

Write coroutines for complex code, and learn about HTTP and REST to get data from the internet. We will emphasis on retrofit for the communication, picasso/glide for image rendering, caching mechanism and more.

Chapter 5: Data persistence

Keep your apps working through any disruptions to essential networks or processes for a smooth and consistent user
experience. We will focus on repository pattern. We will also learn about preferences and how can we handle data when device orientation changes. We will use ROOM as database.

We will use Android Jetpack’s WorkManager API to schedule necessary background work, like backing up data or downloading fresh content, that keeps running even if the app exits or the device restarts.

Course Length : 3 months ~ 15W which comprises of 20C. Details are as follows:

Chapter 1 : 2W ~ 2C
Chapter 2 : 2W. ~ 2C
Chapter 3 : 2W ~ 2C
Chapter 4 : 4W ~ 4C
Chapter 5 : 4W ~ 4C

Final Project : 6C

Other time includes final project discussion/submission ,GD, Mock Interviews, Test and many more.

Completing chapter 5, we will have 140C as mentioned above.

Each week comprises of 1 credit.
Out of 1, we can allocate .5 for class performance & .5 for assignment.
*Class performance includes their attendance, their willingness to know more and their responses on how they are learning.


C stands for Credit
W stands for Week(s)

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